Four of us teamed up to play a 2000pt 2v2. I played my (abridged) Loganwing list with another Space Wolves player, and the Dark Eldar and Eldar players from the matches on Oct. 29th teamed up to oppose us. These lists are from memory, because I again forgot to get my comrades to write them down.
Eldar: All who love life fear wounds on a 2+
Autarch w/ seer council & singing spear
5x wraithguard w/ warlock
5x howling banshees
5x rangers
5x rangers
1x wraithlord w/ 2x TL starcannons
1x wave serpent w/ scatter laser
Dark Eldar: Death or glory! ...Please?
5x wracks w/ raider
5x incubi
10x warriors
10x wyches w/ raider
Ravager w/ lances
Talos pain engine w/ heat lance
Space Wolves: Wolves for the wolf god
Logan Grimnar
5x wolf guard w/ TDA, Arjac
9x grey hunters w/ rhino, wolf guard leader w/ powerfist
6x Long Fangs with meesils
Loganwing: As a matter of fact, I do like getting tabled
Nagol Ranmirg
5x (Team A) wolf guard w/ TDA, cyclone, wolf claws all around, pod
5x (Team G) wolf guard w/ TDA, cyclone, wolf claws all around, pod
4x (Team L) wolf guard w/ TDA, wolf claws all around, pod
Mr. Dark Eldar rolled for mission and deployment and came up seize ground with four objectives and pitched battle, not respectively. We each took an objective and placed it; after the battle I looked up the rules and I think the one I placed in the bush and they put on the grassy knoll might have been illegal, not being 12" from a table edge. That being said, there was an objective on the grassy knoll next to the rangers, one in the tropical area terrain, one next to the long fangs and the last in the two story ruins on the far table edge. I've marked them in red and numbered them clockwise on the picture below, which was taken right after deployment. Don't mind the pod. My partner rolled high for first turn and he decided to take it.
The wraithguard piled into the wave serpent and, along with a raider full of wrackyness, the squad of incubi and banshees fortified the far corner. Meanwhile at the grassy knoll, the Duke, the wraithlord and seer council all took up positions in the open, positioned so that the long fangs couldn't get to them, or at least get to them easily.
My plan, that I didn't share, was to clear a swathe from one corner to the other, holding objectives 1 and 4 on the plateau and in the bush and contesting objective 2. This started out pretty well, with both of my pods coming in on target, piling out with Team A and Team Logan on either side of the far building. The rhino rolls up the side of the ruins with Logan2 in tow.
Shooting went well for us, with Logan2 dropping two warriors with stormbolters and my logan knocking out two of the nearby rangers. In a fit of cooperation, the long fangs sent enough krak missiles at the Talos to put the Venezuelans to shame, shearing off two wounds and Team A finished the job, dropping enough wounds to nail it down in a single round.
We turned it over to the space elves, who first shoved their wracky raider down Team A's throat, pooping out the wracks and haemunculus who proceeded to whiff with two hex rifles and a liquefier, but the casket of flensing or whatever rolled S4 AP2 Assault ELEVEN but only managed to drop two out of Team A after invuln saves, which I'm sure has caused the dark eldar player to swear vendetta against my terminators, because that's about a terminator and a half below odds. The three rangers in the bush took pot shots at Team A but whiffed.
Similarly, the wave serpent did a poop and shoot at Logan1, whiffing, though the wraithguard inflicted three wounds, one of which Logan1 took.
On the other side of the map, Logan2 took a hail of fire from the wraithlord and the warrior's blaster, and netted a single wound on Logan2. Most depressingly, the long fangs got pinned by the grassy knoll snipers.
Assault went swimmingly, with the wracks charging Team A--who passed their counter-charge--and tied at one wound each. After a heavy debate as to whether to charge the wraithguard or be charged, logic triumphed and they melted into Logan, though they took a terminator with them.
Unfortunately, the warlock dodged the drunken swipes of the last terminator in the squad and disengaged successfully.
Amazingly, my last pod came in and scattered 6" back towards the table edge, putting it a turn behind on getting into cover against the rending snipers on the knoll. On the other side of the table, the rhino scooted up around the ruins and its squishy contents sallied forth into the breach occupied by a lot of dakka. Logan2 ran backwards into the ruins, a trend of back-and-forth that continued nigh until the end of the game.
Shooting went pretty well, with the grey hunters lambasting the warriors with seven wounds. Logan1 ordered his guard to melta the ass-end of the wave serpent, but the bastard must've been pretty drunk because the asshole threw his combi-melta at the tank rather than shoot it. Still, it shook it, so pretty good throw all things considered.
Team G picked up the slack and forced some krak down the Duke's throat, which is ironic considering he is supposedly some sort of famous drug czar back in Comorragh. Also shamed into fighting decently by Team Logan1's blunder, Team A polished off the three remaining wracks and took no wounds in return, though the haemunculus passed his leadership fortunately.
Yup, that's the only picture I took our entire turn, and technically it was after our opponents' movement phase, as you can see by the encroaching incubi. Unfortunately, our opponent rolled for his wych raider and it DS'd right behind Logan2.
The seer council also shuffled up towards the recently disembarked and hopefully soon-to-be dismembered grey hunter squad, as did the howling banshees towards Logan1 and his idiot battle-brother.
Shooting saw a single casualty from the long fangs thanks to the dark lance on the wych raider, but they long fangs decided they didn't really need a sergeant anyway.
Assault went even worse, with the farseer & co. charging the grey hunters. Losing combat three warlocks to one space marine, the farseer valor was the better part of sticking around with a powerfist and passed morale.
In my corner, probably the most hilarious round of assault occured: the incubi sweep in to swing the fight 6 v 2, but instead of shredding up some tactical dreadnought armor, they whiff gloriously, take two wounds in return and utterly fail their morale check, falling back 10". Glorious.
My partner and I shuffle around by turns, pulling Logan2 towards the wych raider, Logan1 towards the haemunculus and his cohort back to objective 1. Team G hid behind the oasis.
Shooting left the wyches raiderless after a lucky shot from Arjac's hammer, and the long fangs follow up with a bevy of blast missiles to clean them out. Logan1 charged the wraithguards' lonely warlock and sweeps him into the ruins, while Team G puts a wound on the wraithlord who did not charge last turn.
In assault, the grey hunters eliminate the farseer and consolidate 6" towards the snipers, while Team A snags a wound on the haemunculus in return for one more terminator.
Our opponent pulls his raider from reserves and even though it scatters back 7" still lands close enough to be a problem for the grey hunters and Team G. The incubi fail their morale check and slow-run 2" further.
The knoll rangers nail a grey hunter, though they thankfully pass their pinning test. The wraithlord drops another one, and the ravager's candy lances send two terminators out of Team G to sugar heaven. Thankfully the last raider shoots wide with its own cannon, as does the lone ranger.
In assault, the last terminator of Team A drops the haemunculus, though the wraithlord kicks a grey hunter in the face and they don't return the favor, but keep themselves stuck in.
At this point, I split off combi-melta-dumbass towards objective 1 and Team G towards objective 2. Logan1 gets some exercise by climbing up the ruins. Logan2 shuffles back into position to shoot at the raider but it goes wide.
The long hand of the long fangs reaches out to stun the ravager, which is a thankful reprieve, and Team A knocks the disintegrator cannon off of the raider. Team G levels their krak missiles at the knoll rangers and manage to spike one.
In assault, the wraithlord continues to pummel the grey hunters, who apparently can't hit a 20 foot walking tank with a powerfist to save their lives (literally).
First thing our opponents do on their turn is ram the now-weaponless raider into the long fangs, but they pass their check, and the wave serpent shuffles up with its hidden cargo of howling banshees, popping another member of Team G for its trouble. The knoll rangers whiff but the lone gunman hiding in the trees repays Team A's success last turn with a shell to the brainpan, finishing off the squad.
At this point I have three terminators left, while my partner has his entire squad, albeit with a single wound. Also, don't believe everything in that picture--Team L's sole survivor can be seen holding a combi-melta, but we all know that fucker is lodged somewhere in the boarding hatch of the wave serpent.
The turn ends with the grey hunters losing combat by one but inflicting a wound on the wraithlord and passing their check to stay stuck in.
First, the rhino moves up to block LOS in case the grey hunters polish off the wraithlord, and Logan1 runs up to the tippy top of the ruins for one reason or another, and Team L makes it within running distance of the objective.
Logan2 makes it into range of the knoll rangers and pops one, while Team G sticks a krak missile in the ravager's craw, causing severe indisgestion and an explosion radius of 3". Logan1 takes a couple potshots at the regrouped incubi and kills two.
Best part of this round though was the rangers failing their morale check and falling back 10" to what was basically the table edge.
Assault went well as well, with the grey hunters finally polishing off the wraithlord after he got his kicks in--leaving the squad with a single model--but he consolidates towards objective 3.
On our opponents' turn, the wave serpent rocks Team G's world and leaves me with two terminators on the field, while the surviving raider tries to force my wolf guard off of objective 1.
A 4 is rolled for game length, and we soldier on.
Logan2 makes a beeline for objective 4, just barely putting him inside running distance for next turn.
The grey hunter makes up the sheer wall and runs 4" in the shooting phase, putting him next to the objective, while the long fangs shake the wave serpent. All my models whiff on their various targets. A funny note: I shot a couple of the pods at the raider trying to push my terminator off of the objective, and my opponents both agreed it would have been hilarious if I had caused an explosion and killed him. I concur.
On our opponents turn, the rangers fail and table themselves off the board edge. The wave serpent whooshes up to the grey hunter and drops its payload, who take a look at the grey hunter and royally fuck that guy up with lovetaps from their pistols. They put four wounds on him and he saved none.
Contesting one objective and holding none, while we held two, the eldar player sics his lone ranger on drunky-McMelta but fails to wound.
Game length gets rolled and we end up with another turn.
Logan2 continues his slingshot towards objective 4 and makes it with running, thankfully, and the long fangs finally polish off the lone ranger.
Our opponents take a potshot at Logan but fail to break him, and the last ditch tank shock on combi-dumbass is a wash as well.
Game ends.
Ending the game with us still controlling two objectives to their none, I survived with three intact drop pods and two models--Logan and that dumbass with the combi-melta. My partner fared much better, keeping his entire squad of wolf guard unscathed save for a single wound on Logan2, as well as his rhino. Points-wise I think he still had like 800 of his 1000 points left.
All I have to say is that at 1000 points Loganwing did way better than I thought it would. I think most of that had to do with putting wolf claws on everything, which destroyed the wracks and wraithguard. With Logan, being able to reroll hits and wounds is like having a goddamn chaplain sitting in with a bunch of death company. Amazing.
I'm not sure if it comes out in the report or not, but this was an incredibly close match. Mistakes were made by both teams, especially me in my placement of Team L and A, and although we won I would have definitely played it differently. I was sweating those wyches pretty hard, and the fact that my partner had to use 800 points of firepower to drop them in one turn doesn't allay my fears that they will strike again.
I think my partner and the dark eldar player's partner, both of whom are still fairly new, learned a lot, but I won't speak for them as to what.
Hero of the Match is no contest for me and goes to the cyclone-toting wolf guard in Team A who popped off the disintegrator cannon of a raider, repelled a squad of incubi so badly you could trace their fall back move from the shit stains on the ground and finished off an HQ unit solo.
MVP is also a wash, going to the grey hunters. They killed more points than anything else, though they met an ignoble end.
Eldar: All who love life fear wounds on a 2+
Autarch w/ seer council & singing spear
5x wraithguard w/ warlock
5x howling banshees
5x rangers
5x rangers
1x wraithlord w/ 2x TL starcannons
1x wave serpent w/ scatter laser
Dark Eldar: Death or glory! ...Please?
5x wracks w/ raider
5x incubi
10x warriors
10x wyches w/ raider
Ravager w/ lances
Talos pain engine w/ heat lance
Space Wolves: Wolves for the wolf god
Logan Grimnar
5x wolf guard w/ TDA, Arjac
9x grey hunters w/ rhino, wolf guard leader w/ powerfist
6x Long Fangs with meesils
Loganwing: As a matter of fact, I do like getting tabled
Nagol Ranmirg
5x (Team A) wolf guard w/ TDA, cyclone, wolf claws all around, pod
5x (Team G) wolf guard w/ TDA, cyclone, wolf claws all around, pod
4x (Team L) wolf guard w/ TDA, wolf claws all around, pod
Mr. Dark Eldar rolled for mission and deployment and came up seize ground with four objectives and pitched battle, not respectively. We each took an objective and placed it; after the battle I looked up the rules and I think the one I placed in the bush and they put on the grassy knoll might have been illegal, not being 12" from a table edge. That being said, there was an objective on the grassy knoll next to the rangers, one in the tropical area terrain, one next to the long fangs and the last in the two story ruins on the far table edge. I've marked them in red and numbered them clockwise on the picture below, which was taken right after deployment. Don't mind the pod. My partner rolled high for first turn and he decided to take it.
The wraithguard piled into the wave serpent and, along with a raider full of wrackyness, the squad of incubi and banshees fortified the far corner. Meanwhile at the grassy knoll, the Duke, the wraithlord and seer council all took up positions in the open, positioned so that the long fangs couldn't get to them, or at least get to them easily.
My plan, that I didn't share, was to clear a swathe from one corner to the other, holding objectives 1 and 4 on the plateau and in the bush and contesting objective 2. This started out pretty well, with both of my pods coming in on target, piling out with Team A and Team Logan on either side of the far building. The rhino rolls up the side of the ruins with Logan2 in tow.
Shooting went well for us, with Logan2 dropping two warriors with stormbolters and my logan knocking out two of the nearby rangers. In a fit of cooperation, the long fangs sent enough krak missiles at the Talos to put the Venezuelans to shame, shearing off two wounds and Team A finished the job, dropping enough wounds to nail it down in a single round.
We turned it over to the space elves, who first shoved their wracky raider down Team A's throat, pooping out the wracks and haemunculus who proceeded to whiff with two hex rifles and a liquefier, but the casket of flensing or whatever rolled S4 AP2 Assault ELEVEN but only managed to drop two out of Team A after invuln saves, which I'm sure has caused the dark eldar player to swear vendetta against my terminators, because that's about a terminator and a half below odds. The three rangers in the bush took pot shots at Team A but whiffed.
Similarly, the wave serpent did a poop and shoot at Logan1, whiffing, though the wraithguard inflicted three wounds, one of which Logan1 took.
On the other side of the map, Logan2 took a hail of fire from the wraithlord and the warrior's blaster, and netted a single wound on Logan2. Most depressingly, the long fangs got pinned by the grassy knoll snipers.
Assault went swimmingly, with the wracks charging Team A--who passed their counter-charge--and tied at one wound each. After a heavy debate as to whether to charge the wraithguard or be charged, logic triumphed and they melted into Logan, though they took a terminator with them.
Unfortunately, the warlock dodged the drunken swipes of the last terminator in the squad and disengaged successfully.
Amazingly, my last pod came in and scattered 6" back towards the table edge, putting it a turn behind on getting into cover against the rending snipers on the knoll. On the other side of the table, the rhino scooted up around the ruins and its squishy contents sallied forth into the breach occupied by a lot of dakka. Logan2 ran backwards into the ruins, a trend of back-and-forth that continued nigh until the end of the game.
Shooting went pretty well, with the grey hunters lambasting the warriors with seven wounds. Logan1 ordered his guard to melta the ass-end of the wave serpent, but the bastard must've been pretty drunk because the asshole threw his combi-melta at the tank rather than shoot it. Still, it shook it, so pretty good throw all things considered.
Team G picked up the slack and forced some krak down the Duke's throat, which is ironic considering he is supposedly some sort of famous drug czar back in Comorragh. Also shamed into fighting decently by Team Logan1's blunder, Team A polished off the three remaining wracks and took no wounds in return, though the haemunculus passed his leadership fortunately.
Yup, that's the only picture I took our entire turn, and technically it was after our opponents' movement phase, as you can see by the encroaching incubi. Unfortunately, our opponent rolled for his wych raider and it DS'd right behind Logan2.
The seer council also shuffled up towards the recently disembarked and hopefully soon-to-be dismembered grey hunter squad, as did the howling banshees towards Logan1 and his idiot battle-brother.
Shooting saw a single casualty from the long fangs thanks to the dark lance on the wych raider, but they long fangs decided they didn't really need a sergeant anyway.
Assault went even worse, with the farseer & co. charging the grey hunters. Losing combat three warlocks to one space marine, the farseer valor was the better part of sticking around with a powerfist and passed morale.
In my corner, probably the most hilarious round of assault occured: the incubi sweep in to swing the fight 6 v 2, but instead of shredding up some tactical dreadnought armor, they whiff gloriously, take two wounds in return and utterly fail their morale check, falling back 10". Glorious.
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My partner and I shuffle around by turns, pulling Logan2 towards the wych raider, Logan1 towards the haemunculus and his cohort back to objective 1. Team G hid behind the oasis.
Shooting left the wyches raiderless after a lucky shot from Arjac's hammer, and the long fangs follow up with a bevy of blast missiles to clean them out. Logan1 charged the wraithguards' lonely warlock and sweeps him into the ruins, while Team G puts a wound on the wraithlord who did not charge last turn.
In assault, the grey hunters eliminate the farseer and consolidate 6" towards the snipers, while Team A snags a wound on the haemunculus in return for one more terminator.
Our opponent pulls his raider from reserves and even though it scatters back 7" still lands close enough to be a problem for the grey hunters and Team G. The incubi fail their morale check and slow-run 2" further.
The knoll rangers nail a grey hunter, though they thankfully pass their pinning test. The wraithlord drops another one, and the ravager's candy lances send two terminators out of Team G to sugar heaven. Thankfully the last raider shoots wide with its own cannon, as does the lone ranger.
In assault, the last terminator of Team A drops the haemunculus, though the wraithlord kicks a grey hunter in the face and they don't return the favor, but keep themselves stuck in.
At this point, I split off combi-melta-dumbass towards objective 1 and Team G towards objective 2. Logan1 gets some exercise by climbing up the ruins. Logan2 shuffles back into position to shoot at the raider but it goes wide.
The long hand of the long fangs reaches out to stun the ravager, which is a thankful reprieve, and Team A knocks the disintegrator cannon off of the raider. Team G levels their krak missiles at the knoll rangers and manage to spike one.
In assault, the wraithlord continues to pummel the grey hunters, who apparently can't hit a 20 foot walking tank with a powerfist to save their lives (literally).
First thing our opponents do on their turn is ram the now-weaponless raider into the long fangs, but they pass their check, and the wave serpent shuffles up with its hidden cargo of howling banshees, popping another member of Team G for its trouble. The knoll rangers whiff but the lone gunman hiding in the trees repays Team A's success last turn with a shell to the brainpan, finishing off the squad.
At this point I have three terminators left, while my partner has his entire squad, albeit with a single wound. Also, don't believe everything in that picture--Team L's sole survivor can be seen holding a combi-melta, but we all know that fucker is lodged somewhere in the boarding hatch of the wave serpent.
The turn ends with the grey hunters losing combat by one but inflicting a wound on the wraithlord and passing their check to stay stuck in.
First, the rhino moves up to block LOS in case the grey hunters polish off the wraithlord, and Logan1 runs up to the tippy top of the ruins for one reason or another, and Team L makes it within running distance of the objective.
Logan2 makes it into range of the knoll rangers and pops one, while Team G sticks a krak missile in the ravager's craw, causing severe indisgestion and an explosion radius of 3". Logan1 takes a couple potshots at the regrouped incubi and kills two.
Best part of this round though was the rangers failing their morale check and falling back 10" to what was basically the table edge.
Assault went well as well, with the grey hunters finally polishing off the wraithlord after he got his kicks in--leaving the squad with a single model--but he consolidates towards objective 3.
On our opponents' turn, the wave serpent rocks Team G's world and leaves me with two terminators on the field, while the surviving raider tries to force my wolf guard off of objective 1.
A 4 is rolled for game length, and we soldier on.
Logan2 makes a beeline for objective 4, just barely putting him inside running distance for next turn.
The grey hunter makes up the sheer wall and runs 4" in the shooting phase, putting him next to the objective, while the long fangs shake the wave serpent. All my models whiff on their various targets. A funny note: I shot a couple of the pods at the raider trying to push my terminator off of the objective, and my opponents both agreed it would have been hilarious if I had caused an explosion and killed him. I concur.
On our opponents turn, the rangers fail and table themselves off the board edge. The wave serpent whooshes up to the grey hunter and drops its payload, who take a look at the grey hunter and royally fuck that guy up with lovetaps from their pistols. They put four wounds on him and he saved none.
Contesting one objective and holding none, while we held two, the eldar player sics his lone ranger on drunky-McMelta but fails to wound.
Game length gets rolled and we end up with another turn.
Logan2 continues his slingshot towards objective 4 and makes it with running, thankfully, and the long fangs finally polish off the lone ranger.
Our opponents take a potshot at Logan but fail to break him, and the last ditch tank shock on combi-dumbass is a wash as well.
Game ends.
Ending the game with us still controlling two objectives to their none, I survived with three intact drop pods and two models--Logan and that dumbass with the combi-melta. My partner fared much better, keeping his entire squad of wolf guard unscathed save for a single wound on Logan2, as well as his rhino. Points-wise I think he still had like 800 of his 1000 points left.
All I have to say is that at 1000 points Loganwing did way better than I thought it would. I think most of that had to do with putting wolf claws on everything, which destroyed the wracks and wraithguard. With Logan, being able to reroll hits and wounds is like having a goddamn chaplain sitting in with a bunch of death company. Amazing.
I'm not sure if it comes out in the report or not, but this was an incredibly close match. Mistakes were made by both teams, especially me in my placement of Team L and A, and although we won I would have definitely played it differently. I was sweating those wyches pretty hard, and the fact that my partner had to use 800 points of firepower to drop them in one turn doesn't allay my fears that they will strike again.
I think my partner and the dark eldar player's partner, both of whom are still fairly new, learned a lot, but I won't speak for them as to what.
Hero of the Match is no contest for me and goes to the cyclone-toting wolf guard in Team A who popped off the disintegrator cannon of a raider, repelled a squad of incubi so badly you could trace their fall back move from the shit stains on the ground and finished off an HQ unit solo.
MVP is also a wash, going to the grey hunters. They killed more points than anything else, though they met an ignoble end.
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