Friday, December 30, 2011

2011.12.30 Space Wolves v. Grey Knights

This game took place immediately after the other. The Space Wolves player I had played a few games with before decided to go in for Grey Knights rather than Space Wolves, so while he was a familiar opponent I had never played against GK. This match was at 500 points.

The Challenger:
I have more tanks than you have models

Rune Priest
- Hurricane
- Living Lightning
- Melta bombs
- Talisman

5x Grey Hunters
- Razorback w/ TL heavy bolter
- Melta

6x Grey Hunters
- Razorback w/ TL heavy bolter
- Melta

6x Grey Hunters
- Razorback w/ TL heavy bolter
- Melta

The Defender:
You get 33 point terminators with PW and storm bolters? I get 40 point terminators with I6 force weapons and thunder hammers.

- Hellrifle

5x Grey Knight Terminators
- Psycannon
- Stuff

5x Grey Knight Terminators
- Psycannon
- Stuff

We rolled up dawn of war again, but with annihilation this game, which scared me a bit considering I was going to be running 7 KP against 3. My opponent rolled to deploy first and set his inquisitor up in some tall ruins but kept one of his two troops in DOW reserve for a reason I can't remember and other in real reserve. I started as far up as I could.


His troops roll on and don't shoot, while the inquistor tries but his shots go wide into the night.

My third razorback rolls on far away, for yet another reason I don't really remember. Acute senses allows the two heavy bolters to land three wounds on the terminators, who save them all.


The second squad of terminators deep strikes and scatters a scant inch away from difficult terrain but the psycannon in the squad makes no hits, while the other puts enough bad holes into a heavy bolter that the grey hunters decided to use it as their new whiffle bat at the next company picnic.

On my turn, the rune priest scuttles away into the cover of the ruins, where he proceeds to play with his shiny axe. The other razorbacks finally discover the rubber bullets Logan put in their heavy bolters last April Fools.


The teleporty terminators finally rip through the nearby razorback and cause it to explode, taking a grey hunter with it. The other squad weathers a hail of psycannon and storm bolter fire only to find two of their comrades taking dirt naps, though they pass their morale test with flying colors, and thankfully they are far outside assault range.

Movement sees the most damage of the game when the bolterless razorback tank shocks some terminators who fall back 2". The rune priest's squad and second GH squad pin no wounds onto the scurrying Grey Knights, however the grey hunters on the far left knock out two terminators with bolter fire and a melta shot after deciding that getting into assault with them would be loads of fun.

Silly grey hunters.


The terminators continue to fall back like 10", putting them within 2" of the board edge. Thankfully he forgets that you can shoot while falling back, though the other squad drops two of the hunters in front of them, and they sadly pass their morale check.

He assaults and barely manages three wounds while mine all whiff after passing counter attack, netting a solid 3" consolidate.

I focus fire on the 3-squad of GKT and finish them off in an impressive display of bolter fire and six lightning bolts. The melta whiffed.


The GKT walk off the board and the inquistor takes a pot shot at the razorback below it but whiffs. I manage to down him with a combination of lightning, melta and bolter fire.


I tabled my opponent for 3 KP, while he killed off a grey hunter squad and its razorback for only 2 KP, giving me the win.

MVP: Razorback #1. Killing a 220 point unit of terminators with a 40 point tank is something I really shouldn't expect to do every game.

Hero of the Match: The grey hunter squad that slingshotted the second terminator squad right into oblivion. It was a stupid idea but it did pay off since I was just outside rapid fire range. I got lucky.

We had a gem of a quote at the beginning of the game when my opponent told me that my grey hunters would likely win in close combat against his terminators. When I mentioned the fact that they were all kitted with force weapons and would be striking first, he shrugged--all this with a straight face. Mad props.

2011.12.30 Space Wolves v. Space Wolves

This is the first game of 40K I played in over a month--between finishing up my first publication, Thanksgiving and finals I didn't have a lot of time to waste. The local game store's escalation league was slated to begin January 1, so I took the opportunity to meet a new player and get a game in on my proposed list.

The Challenger:
Woof, woof, woof, woof

Rune Priest
- Living Lightning

5x Grey Hunters
- Rhino
- Melta

5x Grey Hunters
- Razorback w/ TL lascannon
- Melta

4x Long Fangs
- 3x missile launchers

The Defender:
Who let the wolves out?

Rune Priest
- Hurricane
- Living Lightning
- Melta bombs
- Talisman

5x Grey Hunters
- Razorback w/ TL heavy bolter
- Melta

6x Grey Hunters
- Razorback w/ TL heavy bolter
- Melta

6x Grey Hunters
- Razorback w/ TL heavy bolter
- Melta

The game was capture and control with a dawn of war deployment. My opponent won the roll to go first and sat his tanks on the 24" line. His objective was seated in the black ruins in his deployment zone, while mine is the scatter die on the three story ruins on the bottom left in the picture below. I elected to start all off, and failed to seize.


This turn was largely uneventful for my opponent, who did nothing but run his long fangs up into a corner ruin. On my turn, I rolled on and decide to cruise rather than shoot after the tanks roll on in the formation below.


My opponent scoots his tanks back before fusillading my own.

 His razorback pewpews the unpainted razorback but only manages to shake it. Unfortunately his long fangs have better luck and wreck the razorback on the far left with three pens. The enemy rune priest tries to rip into the exposed grey hunters with living lightning but my own's runic weapon stops it cold and his storm bolter whiffs.

My first order of business to move the grey hunters & rune priest toward the ruins and my tanks up into his business.

I elect to shoot with the bolters this turn rather than get to his objective, but the HB's forsake me and manage no glances on his razorback. Similarly, the rune priest pops off three lightning bolts at the rhino and manages to whiff all.


My opponent continues his ordered retreat towards his objective in his tanks, and makes good use of the open ground. The long fangs split fire between my grey hunters and the unpainted razorback, inflicting two unsaved wounds on the former and chipping the paint on the latter. The lascannon puts a hole through the painted razorback's engine chassis, immobilizing it, while a well placed lightning bolt from the enemy rune priest roasts the thingamajig that makes tanks explode from electrical shocks. Of its occupants, one was taking a piss during the attack and summarily electrocuted, while another heroically decided to stay behind and sink with the proverbial ship.

Bolter rounds from the rhino pound the dirt in front of the rune priest's squad, getting them a bit dirty but not much else.

On my turn, the rune priest makes it to the base of the ruins, while the other two squads make a beeline for the razorback and the juicy objective it holds.

Lightning envelopes the enemy rhino, but only manages to stun it, while everyone else runs in the shooting phase for 4". I forget to shoot with the heavy bolter.


My opponent skips his movement phase and manages to pin a wound onto the closest grey hunter squad and the rune priest's squad.

On my turn, the rune priest finally makes out of LOS of the long fangs, but also fails his psychic test. The other two squads get high run rolls and continue their jog towards the opponent's objective. Fortunately this turn I did remember to shoot the heavy bolter and manage to pop the lascannon off of the razorback.


My opponent drives the rhino towards his objective and concentrates fire on the closest grey hunter squad, but only manage to knock it down two models, leaving one. Assault sees him clean that fellow up.

On my turn, I knock out two of the opposing grey hunter models with bolter fire from the other grey hunter squad but am just outside assault range. The rune priest hides behind the blocking ruins.


The rhino drives its squad closer to the objective, but fails to wound with bolters and lightning this turn. His other squad assaults into me, but even outnumbered 5-3 we both whiff in both phases.

Game length is rolled and comes up a two.


I held my objective and he held his, so we tied. This game made me realize that for as long as I've been into 40K, I have not a lot of games under my belt and while I may know the rules, I don't have a great feel for strategy and have a lot to learn.

MVP: Basically everything my opponent had. The value comes from informing me how Space Wolves can be played, properly.

Hero of the Match: Bleh.